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TRIBE 13  (TRIBE 13) It's our youth group.

Israel, the people of God, was made up of 12 tribes. It was the same God who made us part of his people through the sacrifice of Jesus, that makes us in a symbolic way TRIBE 13!.


Active, always restless and creative, our young people are a light for their generation.


We know that adolescence and early youth are stages of life in which great conflicts are faced and we become more vulnerable in many areas.

That is why we strive to develop healthy relationships, trying to become a space of belonging and support where each young person can feel safe, loved and listened to.  

The secret? - expose ourselves to the Word of God, because it is in it where we find answers, direction, strength and purpose.

Come, we are waiting for you, discover your new best friends...

Your purpose in life is closer than you think!


NOityou believe

Maybe there are too many voices making fun of you.

Voices that instead of supporting you, criticize you.

Even those who love you do not understand you.

You have come to the conclusion that nobody cares about you

that you are alone, that you are alone...


We are praying for you, even without knowing you...

and there is one greater than us who loves you so much 

who gave himself up for you.

Contact us, we are waiting for you!

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